Welcome to Betamax Glitch's homepage

Jun 12 | On PBs

So, it seems like I finally managed to fix the responsiveness thing in this website, except for the detail of the header image. Anyway, that's a PB.

88x31px icon that says mobile friendly

I also started building the website's PB Tracker section, creating a page to post my thoughts and experience on Super Marisa Adventure World, the main hack I've been playing for the comeback to smw romhacking community/scene. Next step is making a page for SIG World. Still a happy pride (month)!

Jun 11 | On schedules

This is just a notice to say that the attempt of setting up that schedule didn't work at all, but I aim to stream more (I hope). Also, happy pride!!

Apr 25 | Putting in work!

Yesterday I started playing smw romhacks again, after so long. This time I'm trying to make and keep a schedule so I'll be streaming my progress every wednesday on discord, starting from 6:30 p.m., Brasília time. This is something I'm doing for myself, but if you feel up for it just join the server! :)

I'm also slowly coming back to english-speaking twitch, I wanna stream at least one game per month, probably doing this in a saturday night till sunday's dawn. I wanna try to use jitsi for casual meetings too, but have no schedule for now...

Feb 11 | YO, I MADE IT!

This is my website! I was just using a link aggregator to put my stuff on web before, but after some time spent in the fediverse and getting to know bits of the concept of smallweb and its tools I've decided to try something by myself... And here we are!

For now, I won't push myself too much, I'll fill this space with some stuff later!

Very Important Notice: while I'm learning how to deal with HTML and CSS, I'm also - slowly - trying to implement some accessibility features (like readable fonts, alt text and media transcriptions) all over this website. Sometimes I can make mistakes coz not a tech person and english is not my primary language also, but believe it I'm trying very hard!

Oh, by the way... the HTML file I'm using to start things here was made through this generator. And there's a guide I should check the next time I'm editing things here, I guess...(?)

Another Important Notice: I kinda messed up the original CSS file responsiveness, so until I can fix stuff, the pages wont be mobile friendly. But I really aim it to be!

88x31px icon that says not mobile friendly

Really... CSS is the hecking hell.

I already made many buttons for my website! Just copy and paste to yours if you want to:

88x31px icon for beta's webpage with a scary expression 88x31px icon for beta's webpage with retro layout 88x31px icon for beta's webpage with crt layout 88x31px animated icon for beta's webpage 88x31px icon for beta's webpage with sparks artstyle 88x31px icon that says please do not force this image to be lonely